Real Name: Willem Bateman

Aliases: The Mightiest American Hero.

Function: Student, Adventurer.

Known Relatives: Merrie(sister).

Affiliations: Christine (girlfriend), Shujuu, Shujua, Mighty Girl, Shujuu Family, AvengingForce, Maximum Justice.

Enemies: Achilles Prey, Adaptron, Adversary, Algor Mortis, Atrocity, Cyborg Shujuu, Gronn, Jeepers, Maximum Injustice, Professor Zero, Timelapse.

Base of Operation: Mobile

First appearance: THE POWER OF SHUJUU #1

History: Maat, an extra-dimensional being that protects the order of the universe, returned to Earth after 3,500 year to restore her principles on Earth. After being shocked by the prevailing corruption of her ideals, she picked the wheel-bound Willem Batesman, and gave him superhuman powers.

Powers & Weapons: Flight, super-strength, and wisdom. All the power comes from the extra-dimensional designed belt he wears. The belt has a security device which prevents anyone other than Willem from using it; the security device causes a power-surge that will vaporize any unauthorized person attempting to use the belt.

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